Center Partners
This Center is a collaborative undertaking of six principal organizations, including:

21PSTEM: The 21st Century Partnership for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education
21PSTEM aspires to be a regional and national leader in data-based analysis, program planning, innovative curricula and professional development advancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education in K-12 and post-secondary institutions. 21PSTEM studies and disseminates existing research and conducts new research into the factors that most significantly promote student engagement and achievement in the areas of science and mathematics.

University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education
The Penn GSE has long been known for excellence in qualitative research, language and literacy studies, and practitioner inquiry and teacher education. ;Over the last 15 years, Penn GSE has also developed notable strengths in quantitative research, policy studies, evaluation, higher education, and psychology and human development. The School is also entrepreneurial, launching innovative degree programs for practicing professionals and unique partnerships with local educators.

University of Pennsylvania, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science
The Institute for Research in Cognitive Science fosters the development of a science of the human mind through the interaction of investigators from the disciplines of linguistics, mathematical logic, philosophy, computer science, and neuroscience. The Institute was founded in January 1990. The Institute continues to foster collaboration among the various departments and internationally through its colloquia series, workshops, and events.

Temple University, Spatial Intelligence and Learning Center
The Spatial Intelligence and Learning Center (SILC) brings together scientists and educators to pursue the overarching goals of understanding spatial learning and using this knowledge to develop programs and technologies that will transform educational practice, helping learners to develop the skills required to compete in a global economy. SILC participants include researchers from cognitive science, psychology, computer science, education, and neuroscience, as well as practicing geoscientists and engineers who are particularly interested in spatial thinking in their fields, and teachers in the CPS.

University of Pittsburgh, Learning Research and Development Center
Since its founding in 1963, researchers at LRDC have sought to describe what learning is, where and how it happens best, how it can improve, and how research can help. LRDC scholars from several disciplines have contributed substantially to knowledge about human cognition, learning, and effective schooling and training. Research findings are applied, in collaboration with education practitioners and business and government enterprises, to the reform and improvement of instruction and training in schools and workplaces.

Research for Better Schools
RBS , a non-profit educational R&D firm, has provided school improvement services for over 40 years to educational institutions at all levels with funding from federal agencies, state departments of education, universities, school districts, and others. RBS has served as a Regional Educational Laboratory and an Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Consortium, both under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Education. RBS’ main role in the Center is outreach and dissemination.